Get Started With Postblaster

Launching a publisher pipeline takes about 30 seconds. We'll tell you everything you know to get started.

One quick thing before you begin - make sure you've authenticated with the social network you want to post to (from the integrations tab in Postblaster). OK, let's get started!

GetTing Started With Postblaster

Step 1. The Basics

First up, choose a name for your publisher. Then, choose which Webflow CMS site and collection to monitor for updates. Then, choose which field is the main content for your CMS post (this will get referenced when AI summarizes the content).

Step 2. Webflow Trigger

Next, choose which events to listen for within your Webflow collection (currently the only supported event is publishing new items). Whenever this event happens, the Action will get triggered (such as generating a post and sharing to LinkedIn).

Step 3. Actions

Next up is the meat and potatoes, configuring how to generate the post and share it to your socials. Choose what platform to publish to (currently only LinkedIn is supported), and also what organization page within that platform.

Each post has a title, description, and commentary. All of these can be generated with AI, set as a field value from your CMS, set as the same fixed value always, or left blank.

Commentary is the main item here, since that is the text that gets shared in the main section of your post. We recommend generating this with AI, since it will automatically summarize your CMS items content and write a great post. The title and description go in the article hyperlink section within your social post, so we usually set these fields to be values from our CMS, like a meta-title and meta-description for example.

Step 4. Send it!

Click the create button to have Postblaster launch your publisher, and you are off to the races. It will begin listening for new posts immediately. Try publishing a new item and see what happens in the social page you selected!